Everything you need to know about 'The Adam Project 2'

‘The Adam Project’ is a sci-fi action movie released on March 11, 2022. This incredible movie based on time traveling was directed by Shawn Levy and the screenplay was written by Jonathan Trooper, T.S. Nowlin, Jennifer Flackett, and Mark Levin.

The cast includes the following actors:

Ryan Reynolds as Adult Adam

Mark Ruffalo as Louis Reed

Jeniffer Garner as Ellie Reed

Zoe Saldana as Laura

Catherine Keener as Maya Sorian

Alex Mallari Jr. as Christos

Isaiah Haegert as young 8-year-old Adam

Kasra Wong as Chuck


The opening sequence of the movie shows the time frame of 2050 AD  where a man named Adam is running into space in a spaceship to escape from someone. He even is wounded in his stomach. Behind his spaceship is Maya’s space ship which is continuously firing toward his spaceship. Hence in order to escape from Maya, he makes a wormhole to get back to a different time frame.


On the other hand, another time frame of 2022 AD is shown where we see little Adam in his school. Two boys named Ray and Chuck are bullying him and beating him hard. Due to Adam’s restlessness, he keeps on getting beaten by these two people. The school principal also gets to know about their fight and as a result, she suspends three of them from the school for a few days. Adam’s mom comes to pick him up from the school. On their way, Adam explains that it was not his fault but his mom doesn’t believe him at all because she too knows about her son’s mischief. In addition to this it is also shown that his mother is a single parent, her husband has already died.


In the other scene, it is shown that Adam is playing in his backyard and his mother calls him to the house to say that she is going somewhere out that evening. Adam asks her if she is going for a date and her mother replies that she is going with her colleague Dereck. Now that Adam is alone in his home, he starts playing video games. But suddenly his room's light turns off and his dog starts barking looking at the forest. This makes Adam very curious and he starts going there with a torch on to check who there is. And then he feels that there must be someone and hence he runs towards the garage. There he finds adult Adam from the future. Looking at him, young Adam asks who he is with a baseball bat in his hand and he starts calling someone too. Adult Adam asks him to not do so and tells him that he will do no harm to him. Young Adam calms down and takes him to his home where adult Adam starts cleaning his wound and puts a band-aid on it.


On the other hand, young Adam takes some gadgets out of adult Adam’s bag. Adult Adam warns him to not touch anything from his bag. Young Adam keeps on asking Adult Adam who he is and Adult Adam relies on that he is Young Adam’s future. This makes young Adam speechless and starts getting unconscious and adult Adam gives him an inhaler. They see each other’s same watch which was gifted by their dad. Adult Adam adds that he wanted to go to 2018 but he got mistakenly into 2022.


Now both of them head towards the forest where adult Adam shows young Adam his spaceship. Young Adam gets amazed since he had never seen something like that before. But since adult, Adam was injured so the spaceship doesn’t start because the spaceship starts when the DNA of the owner watches. But this time it didn’t work because adult Adam was seriously injured and was bleeding. Since both adult Adam and young Adam have the same DNA, hence young Adam is made to operate the machine and it starts working too. They get into the spaceship and leave the spaceship in self-repairing mode. Adult Adam now goes to the garage and tells young Adam to go to his home. Adult Adam starts looking at his wife's photo. He must be missing her. On the other hand, Adam’s mom comes back home and adult Adam gets emotional since she had already left the world in 2050.


The next day after his mom heads towards the office, young Adam goes to the garage to meet adult Adam. His wound was still not fine so they had to go to the pharmacy. Both of them go to a medical store where they get some medicine. When they were returning, they get across the same bullies who start beating young Adam. Adult Adam tells young Adam to not show that he is afraid but rather face with full confidence. And young Adam does that too but gets beaten this time too. This makes him very sad and angry at the same time and he leaves the place. Adult Adam scares the bullies and they run from the place.


On the other hand, young Adam is angry with adult Adam and gets into the garage but doesn’t open the door but rather uses his phone. This makes him sad and he goes to a bar. At the bar, adult Adam finds his mom who says another man that her son Adam keeps on fighting with him and doesn’t listen to him at all. Listening to this, adult Adam says that he is just young and mischievous but he definitely loves his mom. His mother doesn’t believe that but Adam says that she will realize this very soon with time.


 In the next scene, Maya is shown and she has come to the same time frame of 2022. She sends some robots to get adult Adam back. On the other hand, young Adam is seen asking adult Adam about his wife. Adult Adam adds that his wife Laura had gone to 2018 but has not returned yet. He even shares that Maya told him that Laura has died in a spaceship crash but he doesn’t believe so because Laura was the best pilot. He adds that to find that out he wants to go to 2018. Actually, Adam’s father had made the time-traveling spaceship and Maya was his dad’s partner.


During all that adult Adam feels that someone else is there too and he throws a bomb at the door which kills the robot sent by Maya. Some more robots arrive there and adult Adam fights with all of them and all the robots get destroyed. And then Maya sends one of his men who beats adult Adam up and he starts losing. And at that time his life Laura appears surprisingly and they defeat the robots together and Maya runs away. After that, they take young Adam in a car so that they can go to a safe place. But Maya starts following them once again. This time too they fight successfully and find their way.


Laura tells adult Adam that someone had gone to 2018 and she too went there to find that out. Laura even adds that his father got permission to work on a project in November 2018. The name of the project was ‘The Adam Project’. She adds that it must be Laura who went to 2018 and she blew Laura’s spaceship off and due to this she got stuck in 2018. Laura in the next scene tells adult Adam that he has to go in 2018 and stop his dad from completing that project and she will stop Maya from getting there. One of Maya’s men comes following them and before he reaches Laura tells Adam to go fast and that she will take care of the rest. Laura blows that man’s car off and even fires at him.


On the other hand adult Adam and young Adam get into the spaceship to go to 2018. Young Adam had to go because adult Adam was still injured and he had to start the spaceship. On the other hand, Maya comes to Laura in a spaceship and kills her. After that Maya follows Adam and his younger self. Adult Adam and young Adam get to 2018 in a university where they find their dad and they explain everything. But their father Louis tells them that they have already made a lot of time frames and hence they should get back to their own time and he can’t help them. This makes adult Adam very angry but Louis adds that Maya was the one who started doing that.



On the other hand, Maya also comes in 2018 where she too meets her younger self. Her younger self tells her that she should not do that because it is wrong. But Maya doesn’t listen to her younger self at all. Now that Louis’s wife also gets to know that both of them are her son so she asks her husband to help them. Adam and his younger self now make a plan to destroy Maya’s workplace. Young Adam and adult Adam together fight against the robots together using various gadgets. But at a moment adult Adam was going to get hit by a car and his father Louis comes to help him. Louis tells him that if they steal a crystal hard drive Maya won’t be able to make the time machine.


To take the hard drive, adult Adam and Louis get into the office whereas young Adam is still out. Maya finds young Adam and takes him. On the other hand adult Adam and Louis get the hard drive but Maya tells comes there and asks for the hard drive and she blackmails that she will hurt young Adam. Adult Adam gives a sign to young Adam to get a move and during this Maya’s gun fires a bullet at the machine due to this the electromagnetic field of the machine gets disturbed and as a result, it starts attracting all the magnetic substances. And due to this, robots too get attracted to the machine and one of the robots pulls young Adam with himself, and due to this young Adam gets into the device. Young Adam using a gadget comes out and starts fighting with the men of Maya and the device pulls the man into it and gulps him. Maya on the other hand tries to shoot Louis since he didn’t give the hard drive but due to the same magnetic field the bullet hits younger Maya and due to this the older Maya fades away too.


And now adult Adam, young Adam, and their dad get out and the device gets destroyed. Now that they have realized that they will be now going to their own time zone they start playing games and they get to their own time frame soon. Now the scene is shown where adult Adam and Laura have met for the first time and they start talking and fall in love. And with this, the movie comes to an end with a beautiful and happy ending.

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