The movie Oppenheimer, releasing on July 21,2023 is a biographical thriller movie directed by the legendary Christopher Nolan. Nolan, who has directed masterpieces like The Dark Knight, Inception, interstellar, and many more has stunned his fans this time too with the goosebumps-giving trailer. This movie is based on the book American Prometheus written by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. Hence the movie is somewhat a biopic of the ‘Father of the atomic bomb’, an American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. The fans are eagerly wanting to see the collision between this movie and the movie Barbie since the release dates have crashed.
The cast includes superb
incomparable actors:
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert
Robert Downey Jr. as Lewis Strauss
Florence Pugh as Jean
Jack Quaid as Richard
Matt Damon as Leslie
Emily Blunt as Kitty
This movie depicts the incidents
that happened during World War II at the Manhattan Project. This project, led
by J. Robert Oppenheimer gave the world the first-ever nuclear weapon, the
atomic bomb. Not only this, but the
movie also displays the psychological rollercoaster and the guilt running through
their nerves of Oppenheimer after he made the creation, that holds the potential to
destroy the whole world and mankind in a fraction of a second.
The 3 minutes trailer makes every
viewer overwhelmed and lost in the beauty of the cinematic universe created
by Nolan and the team. The trailer shows the huge atomic bomb, which is going
to change everything, being created, and the hands behind it. The trailer,
beginning with the ticking sound gives every viewer a surreal vibe. We can also
see that the scenes post-bombing are shown in black and white depicting how
colorless people’s lives have become after the event. These bombs, created by the manhattan project are the same bombs that blew Hiroshima and Nagasaki off. On the
other hand, we can see the very guilt and confusion in the eyes of Cillian Murphy, and Oppenheimer(creator of the
atomic bomb) in the movie. Murphy’s eyes are filled with deep emotions and his acting skills are seen to be
so touching and magical that every viewer watching the trailer feels like they
too are Oppenheimer and they are in that very time frame of World War II.
The VFX of the movie, as expected,
seems to be outstanding as seen in the trailer. Every small detail of the
sparks, lines, explosion, the timeframe of world war II shown, the flow of the
trailer, how it keeps us engaged and many more gives viewers a very big
expectation and assurance that the movie is undoubtedly going to be the counted
in Nolan’s masterpiece.
The trailer depicts the dilemma in
Murphy’s(Oppenheimer’s) mind created due to the confusion of ethics on science
on the one hand and political interference, responsibility, and pressure at the same
time on the other hand. Nolan has aroused the human psyche and leaves deep
questions in the minds of every viewer about whether the atomic bomb, that evaporated
the blood of millions is worth being regarded as one of the biggest scientific
achievements or not.
The movie Oppenheimer, following
the movie Tenet(Lowest scoring movie of Nolan), is more than simply a biopic and is confidently expected to mark its position as the greatest of all time.